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Energy Committee Minutes 05-11-09
Minutes of meeting May 11, 2009
7:05 pm Town Office
Members present:  Dan Wolaver and Diane Boilard
Meeting minutes for April 13, 2009 were reviewed and accepted.
A discussion on several questions on the library meeting of May 6, 2009 report  concerning why the fireplace flue was clamped open and the statement that the fireplace was not used last year for heating.
o~~ Apparently the air flow was regulated by clamping the flue in a certain position.  Dan closed the flue for them.
o~~ No reason given as to why the propane use increased from 41.7 to 162.5 gal.
The reference to Great North Energy Services in the May 6, 2009 meeting minutes was actually for the Banks Thermal Imaging.
Discussion ensued on where this committee’s future investigations would go.  Do we need to expand our charter, add membership?  Some possibilities were electrical economies, window repairs, getting the youth in our town involved in helping to convert it to more energy efficient practices.  Bring your ideas to the next meeting.
Action items:  
1.~~~~~ Dan will contact Banks Thermal Imaging to find out when to schedule an inspection on the Meeting house and Library should be scheduled.
2.~~~~~ Dan to check the town Web page for adding information on energy conservation and for space for a kid’s initiative space.
NEXT MEETING  We felt the Mondays may not be the best day for our membership as most holidays seem to land on Mondays.  Our next meeting day landed on Memorial Day.   So Thursday May 28th, 7:00 PM is scheduled for our next meeting.  Please let me know your thoughts on a Thursday as our meeting day, and if it interferes with your schedule or if you have other suggestions.
Meeting adjourned 8:25 PM
Diane Boilard